Sunday, October 7, 2012

Essentials of Happiness

The third challenge (HYCCT1201C) given on October 1st for the Hope You Can Cling To (HYCCT) challenges was titled "Rays of Hope".  The thought or idea is that when you or someone you love hears the word "cancer" you are frustrated, angry, sad...your world turns gray but that there is always hope and cancer does not always win.  The challenge was to create a card with mostly gray tones with a splash of color to represent the hope.  Since the cards will be mailed to the UT MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas I wanted to incorporate a sentiment about hope as well and I think this stamp says it all.

Supplies Used:
Stamps:  Sidekick Sayings
Paper:  Very Vanilla, Basic Gray, Basic Black, Charbon DSP
Ink:  Versa Mark, Wild Wasabi Marker
Accessories:  Black Embossing Powder, Scalloped Oval Punch, Basic Gray Taffeta Ribbon, Dimensionals

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